Tamás Rapcsák  1947-2008

D. Sci., Prof. dr. Habil
Scientific Adviser, Head of Laboratory and Department

Computer and Automation Research Institute, Hungarian Academy of Sciences
Laboratory and Department of Operations Research and Decision Systems

We notify you deeply moved that

Tamás Rapcsák,

Doctor of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences,
Professor and Head of Department,
Head of Laboratory and Department of Operations Research and Decision Systems

passed away on the 24th of March, 2008.


Born: March 18, 1947, Debrecen, Hungary
Nationality: Hungarian
Family background: two kids
Language skills:
  • Fluent in English and French
  • Familiarity with Russian
Professional Experience:
  • Aug., 1970 - Jan., 1976:
Computer and Automation Research Institute, Hungarian Academy of Sciences
, Department of Operations Research, Researcher
  • Jan., 1976 - June, 1976:
Électricité de France, Paris, Scholarship Fellow
  • June, 1976 - Aug., 1978:
MTA SZTAKI, Department of Operations Research, Researcher
  • Aug., 1978 - Aug., 1980:
Computer Centre of the Ministry for the Management of Water Supplies,
Alger, Algeria, Expert
  • Aug., 1980 - Oct., 1989:
MTA SZTAKI, Department of Operations Research, Senior Researcher
  • Oct., 1989 - Dec., 1990:
MTA SZTAKI, Department of Operations Research,
Head of Department of Operations Research, Senior Researcher
  • 1991 - Present:
MTA SZTAKI, Laboratory and Department of Operations Research and Decision Systems, Head of Laboratory and Department
  • 1995 - Present:
Corvinus University of Budapest, Head of Department of Decisions in Economy
  • June, 1997 - Sep., 1997:
Université Blaise Pascal, Clermont Ferrand, France, Visiting Professor
  • 1998 - Present:
MTA SZTAKI, Adviser in Science
  • 1999 - Present:
Corvinus University of Budapest, Full Professor,
Head of Department of Decisions in Economy,
  • 1978: Gyula Farkas Prize
  • 1978, 1986, 1992, 1996, 1999, 2001: Institute Award, MTA SZTAKI
  • 1996: ANBAR Citation of Highest Quality Rating
  • 1997, 2000, 2006: Institute Publication Award, MTA SZTAKI
  • 1999-2002 : "Széchenyi"  Professor Fellowship
  • 2003: Gold Medal of Corvinus University of Budapest
  • 2003: Bolyai Farkas Prize, Hungarian Academy of Sciences
Research Profile:
  • Structural questions and application of nonlinear optimization and equilibrium systems
  • Equilibrium systems
  • Decision support and expert systems
  • Spatial Multiattribute decision making and environmental modelling
  • 1972-78:
    • Lectures in Linear and Nonlinear Programming for  students  of  mathematics and computer science,
      Eötvös Loránd University of Sciences, Budapest
  • 1975:
    • Postgraduate Course for engineers: "Nonlinear and Stochastic Programming",
      Technical University of Budapest
  • 1996 - :
    • Corvinus University of Budapest, Department of Decisions in Economy, Graduate lectures in multiattribute group decision making
    • Corvinus University of Budapest, Department of Business Economics, Managerial Decision Support
    • Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Department of Transportation Engineering, Decision Support Methods
    • Corvinus University of Budapest, Quantitative Economic Analysis
Research Grants:
  • Project title: Modern mathematical tools for decision support systems
    Supervisor: Tamás Rapcsák
    Source: Hungarian Scientific Research Fund (OTKA) #2568
    Duration: 1991-94
  • Project title: Upgrade of software WINGDSS by integrating several types of decision methods and data-base systems through network
    Supervisor: Tamás Rapcsák
    Source: National Committee of Technological Development (OMFB) #93-97-67-0553
    Duration: 1993-95
  • Project title: Development of a methodology for collecting and processing data on the state of the environment of Hungary
    Supervisor: Tamás Rapcsák
    Source: PHARE Environment Sector-programme #HU9203-w1/5/1993
    Duration: 1994-95
  • Project title: Modern mathematical tools for decision support systems
    Supervisor: Tamás Rapcsák
    Source: Hungarian Scientific Research Fund (OTKA) #T016413
    Duration: 1995-98
  • Project title: Optimization theory and applications to equilibrium problems
    Supervisors: Franco Giannessi (University of Pisa) and Tamás Rapcsák
    Source: HAS - CNR Agreement (Italy)
    Duration: 1995-97
  • Project title: Optimization theory
    Supervisors: L.D. Muu and Tamás Rapcsák
    Source: HAS - Vietnamese Academy of Sciences
    Duration: 1995-98
  • Project title: Generalized convexity
    Supervisors: Jean-Pierre Crouzeix (Université Blaise Pascal) and Tamás Rapcsák
    Source: HAS - CNRS (France)
    Duration: 1997-98
  • Project title: Environmental monitoring software-system
    Supervisors: Tibor Borza and Tamás Rapcsák
    Source: National Committee for Technological Development (OMFB) 
    Duration: 1997-1998
  • Project title: Optimization theory and applications to equilibrium problems
    Supervisors: Franco Giannessi (University of Pisa) and Tamás Rapcsák
    Source: HAS - CNR Agreement (Italy)
    Duration: 1998-2000
  • Project title: Modern mathematical tools for decision support systems
    Supervisor: Tamás Rapcsák
    Source: Hungarian Scientific Research Fund (OTKA) # T029572
    Duration: 1999-2002
  • Project title: Vector mathematical equilibrium models for flow problems in networks
    Supervisors: Franco Giannessi (University of Pisa) and Tamás Rapcsák
    Source: HAS - CNR Agreement (Italy)
    Duration: 2001-03
  • Project title: Development of decision and environmental modelling tools based on GIS databases
    Supervisor: Tamás Rapcsák
    Source: HAS - Ministry of Education, National Committee for Technological Development (OMFB) # 93-97-67-0553
    Duration: 2003-04
  • Project title: Modern mathematical tools for decision support systems
    Supervisor: Tamás Rapcsák
    Source: Hungarian Scientific Research Fund (OTKA) # T043276
    Duration: 2003-06
  • Project title: Theoretical and methodological questions of nonlinear equilibrium systems
    Supervisor: Tamás Rapcsák
    Source: Hungarian Scientific Research Fund (OTKA) # K60480
    Duration: 2006-09
Professional spheres:
  • Vice-president, Hungarian Operational Research Society, 1991-94
  • President, Hungarian Operational Research Society, 1994-96
  • Member, Committee for Operations Research, Hungarian Academy of Sciences, 1991-
  • Representative of the Hungarian Operational Research Society in European Operational Research Society, 1991-
  • Member, Mathematical Programming Society
  • Member, Tensor Society
  • Member, New York Academy of Sciences, 1996-
  • Member, Faculty Board of the Faculty of Economics, Corvinus University of Budapest, 1996-
  • Vice-President, Committee for Operations Research, Hungarian Academy of Sciences, 1996-99
  • Member, Habilitation Committee for Applied Mathematics, Budapest University of Technology and Economics, 1996-2005
  • Member, Committee for Mathematics at Higher Education, Accreditation Committee, 1997-2000
  • Member, Scientific Council, MTA SZTAKI, 1997-
  • Member, IFAC TC Modelling and Control of Environmental Systems, 1997-
  • Member, Advisory Board of Bolyai János Fellowship, 1998-2003
  • President, Hungarian Operational Research Society, 1998-2000
  • Member, Habilitation Committee, Corvinus University of Budapest, 2000-05
  • President, Committee for Operations Research, Hungarian Academy of Sciences, 2000-05
  • Member, Doctorate Board of Mathematics, Hungarian Academy of Sciences 2001-07
  • Member, Jury of Mathematics, Hungarian Scientific Research Fund, 2004-
  • Member, Habilitation Committee, Faculty of Natural Sciences, University of Debrecen, 2004-
  • Member, Board for Hungarian Operatinal Research Society, 2006-
  • XI. International Conference on Mathematical Programming, Mátrafüred, Hungary, 1992, chairman
  • IV. International Workshop on Generalized Concavity, Pécs, Hungary, 1992, chairman
  • Workshop on Advances in Methodology and Software in Decision Support Systems, IIASA, Austria, 1992, invited lecturer
  • XXI. Hungarian Conference on Operations Research, Szeged, Hungary, 1993, chairman
  • Workshop on Advances in Methodology and Software in Decision Support Systems, IIASA, Austria, 1993, invited lecturer
  • XII. International Conference on Mathematical Programming, Mátrafüred, Hungary, 1994, chairman
  • ORSA/TIMS Joint National Meeting, Phoenix, USA, 1993, invited lecturer
  • Variational Inequalities and Network Equilibrium Problems, International School of Mathematics
    "G. Stampacchia", Euroconference, Erice, Italy, 1994, plenary lecturer
  • 15th International Symposium on Mathematical Programming, Ann Arbor, Michigan, USA, 1994, invited lecturer
  • Operational Research in Strategy, Operations and Decision Support, Santa Monica, California, USA, 1995, invited tutorial lecturer
  • 5th Conference on Operational Research, Rab, Croatia, 1995, plenary lecturer
  • TIMS XXXIII, Singapore, 1995, invited lecturer
  • Scuola Normale Superiore, Pisa, Italy, 1995, invited lecturer
  • XIII. International Conference on Mathematical Programming, Mátraháza, Hungary, 1996, chairman
  • INFORMS, Atlanta, USA, 1996, invited for organizing a session, invited lecturer
  • 7th Mini Euro Conference, Decision Support System, Groupware, Multimedia and Electronic Commerce, Bruges, Belgium, 1997, invited for organizing a session, invited lecturer
  • From local to global optimization, Conference organized in honour of Hoang Tuy's 70th birthday, Linköping, Sweden, 1997, invited lecturer
  • 16th International Symposium on Mathematical Programming, Lausanne, Switzerland, 1997, invited for organizing a session, invited lecturer
  • Symposium on Operations Research 1997, Jena, Germany, 1997, invited lecturer
  • Nonlinear optimization and applications, International School of Mathematics "G. Stampacchia", Erice, Italy, 1998, plenary lecturer
  • Large-scale computation in air pollution modelling, NATO Advanced Research Workshop, Bistrica, Bulgaria, 1998, invited lecturer
  • INFORMS, Seattle, USA, 1998, invited for organizing a session, invited lecturer
  • XIV. International Conference of Mathematical Programming, Mátraháza, Hungary, 1999, chairman
  • XXIV. Hungarian Conference on Operational Research, 1999, Veszprém, Hungary, chairman
  • Equilibrium problems and variational models, International School of Mathematics "G. Stampacchia", Erice, Italy, 2000, plenary lecturer
  • 2nd Conference on Interior Point Methods, 2000, Budapest, Hungary, member of the Organizing Committee
  • 17th European Conference on Operational Research (EURO XIII), 2000, Budapest, Hungary, member of the Organizing Committee
  • XXV. Hungarian Conference on Operational Research, 2001, Debrecen, Hungary, member of the Organizing Committe and plenary lecturer
  • Optimization and Control with Applications, International School of Mathematics "G. Stampacchia", Erice, Italy, 2001, plenary lecturer
  • Variational analysis and applications, International School of Mathematics "G. Stampacchia", Erice, Italy, 2003, plenary lecturer
  • Royal Military College of Canada, Kingston, Canada, 2004, invited lecturer
  • McMaster University, Hamilton, Canada, 2004, invited lecturer
  • XXVI. Hungarian Operational Research Conference, Győr, Hungary, 2004, member of the Programme Committee
  • Air Pollution Modeling in Action at NATO ARW, Borovetz, Bulgaria, 2004, invited lecturer, (joint lecture with Balla, K. and Márton, S.)
  • International Conference on Economics, Law and Management, Marosvásárhely (Tirgu Mures), Roumania, 2004, plenary lecturer
  • International Conference in Memoriam Gyula Farkas, Kolozsvár (Cluj-Napoca), Roumania, 2005, member of the Programme Committee
  • Variational analysis and partial differential equations, International School of Mathematics "G. Stampacchia", Erice , Italy, 2006, plenary lecturer
  • King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals, Dhahran, Saudi Arabia, 2 weeks, November, 2006, invited for delivering lectures at the University
  • XXVII. Hungarian Operational Research Conference, Balatonőszöd, Hungary, 2007, chairman of the Programme Committee
  • International Conference on Nonlinear Analysis and Optimization, Isfahan, Iran, April 25-27, 2007, plenary lecturer
Editorial Board:
  • Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications
  • Journal of Global Optimization
  • Central European Journal for Operations Research (CEJOR)
  • Pure Mathematics and Applications (PU.M.A.)
  • Alkalmazott Matematikai Lapok
  • Journal of ICT
  • Optimization Letters

webmaster: Sándor Márton