Windows based Group Decision Support System
methodology and software

WINGDSS supports multiattribute group decision making, helping the decision makers that the decisions to be made should be in line with the organization strategies, goals needs and resources. 

The software was designed to provide flexibility in detailing decision problems, and it includes a powerful sensitivity analysis, furthermore, visualisation tools. 

The problem addressed comprises the attributes, stating the alternatives and decision makers, solving the decision model through the built up attribute tree, assigning the voting powers to the decision makers, weighting the attributes and evaluating the alternatives with respect to the attributes by the decision makers, aggregating the results of the individual decision phase into a group decision.

The new version of WINGDSS has been recently developed. 

WINGDSS is a reliable software for making complex, strategic, market-oriented and critical decisions in

  • tender evaluations,
  • ranking of short- and long-term projects and plans,
  • policy development issues,
  • risk assessment and management.
It can be widely used for environmental impact assessments regarding
  • regional planning,
  • management of environmental disaster problems.
In the financial field, WINGDSS is appropriate for
  • budget allocation,
  • capital planning,
  • supporting all kinds of financial decisions, based on conflicting attributes.
In the field of optimization, it can be used for
  • supporting decisions in optimization procedures,
  • resource allocation,
  • regarding product designs,
  • purchasing processes & source selections,
  • trade-off analysis.

Decision problem of WINGDSS
  • one or more rational decision makers
  • ranking a number of alternatives or selecting the best
  • qualification by decision makers of both subjective and factual criteria
  • ranking the alternatives by quantified criteria
WINGDSS capabilities
  • preliminary phase
    • registration of decision makers
    • assignment of voting powers and authorization
    • building up the decision tree
    • definition of the qualification procedures of the attributes
    • setting the alternatives
    • attribute tree editor
    • data form editor
    • dynamic link to external database
  • individual decision making
    • weighting the decision attributes: individual importance of attributes (optionally, ranges)
    • qualification of the alternatives: utility functions
    • individual ranking
    • utility function editor
    • modifiable database for the qualification of the alternatives
    • aggregation preserving the preference of the attributes
  • group decision making
    • aggregation of individual ranking weighted by voting power values
  • sensitivity analysis
    • investigation of the effect of the weights, voting powers, individual qualification values and their uncertainties on the group weights, the group qualifications and the ranking of the alternatives
Software environment
Basic publications
  1. Csáki, P., Rapcsák, T., Turchányi, P, Vermes, M.: Research and development for group decision aid in Hungary by WINGDSS, a Microsoft Windows based group decision support system, Decision Support Systems 14 (1995) 205-21.
  2. Mészáros, Cs., Rapcsák, T.: On sensitivity analysis for a class of decision systems, Decision Support Systems 16 (1996) 231-240.
  3. Rapcsák, T., Sági, Z., Tóth, T., Kétszeri, L.: Evaluation of tenders in information technology, Decision Support Systems 30 (2000) 1-10.
  • Hungarian Power System Operator Company: Consultancy in Tender Evaluation (2002-2004)
  • DBR Metro Project Directorate:Comparative analysis of the alternatives of the Metro 4 lines (2002)
  • Ranking of Projects related to Raiffeisen Bank (2001)
  • Ministry of Economic Affairs: Examination of the efficiency of the Tender for Developing the Economy (1999), 
  • Office of Prime Minister: Evaluation of 17 Parallel Informatics Tenders (1997, 1998)
  • Ministry of the Interior: Evaluation of Informatics Tenders and Evaluation of Software Tenders for Referendum (1998)
  • Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Pest County: Computer modelling of the water supply system of the river branch of the Danube at Ráckeve-Soroksár, by using multi-attribute decision methods (1998)
  • Hungarian Post Office Ltd.: Installation of WINGDSS
  • Tender Bureau of the Hungarian Telecommunication Company: Installation of WINGDSS
  • Ministry of Welfare: Evaluation of Social Tenders
  • Ministry of Environment and Regional Planning: Environment Impact Assessment, Evaluation of the State of the Environment Evaluation Strategies
For more information, please, contact
János Fülöp, Room L511.
Research Group of Operations Research and Decision Systems
phone: (36-1) 279-6112, fax: (36-1) 209-5267

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