Previous projects:

Project: Preference modelling and ranking based on pairwise comparisons - 2014-2019
Contracting partner: OTKA , K111797, supervisor: Sándor Bozóki

Projekt: Development of a solver for energy economic models for Europe - 2014-2016
Contracting partner: European Commision, Joint Research Center , project leader: Csaba Mészáros

Project: Developing a special interior point method-based optimization engine for an industrial application - 2010
Contracting partner: Siemens Corporate Research

Project: Analysis and consultancy for the sensitivity of the weights of criteria and for the methods of evaluation in the multi-attribute decision model in the public procurement procedure of trolley-bus tender in Szeged - 2009
Contracting partner: Local government of Szeged City

Project: Analysis and consultancy for the sensitivity of the weights of criteria and for the methods of evaluation in the multi-attribute decision model in the public procurement procedure of tram tender in Szeged - 2008
Contracting partner: Local government of Szeged City

Project: Development of an Excel-based application named Early Warning Trigger System (by the leading of the Laboratory on Engineering & Management Intelligence ) - 2008
Contracting partner: Robert Bosch Electronics Group

Project: Continuing development and sale of the software for managing the client data of pedagogic guidance centers - 2007-2009
Contracting partner: In cooperation with Ferencvárosi Nevelési Tanácsadó (Educational guidance center of district IX of Budapest)

Project: Theoretical and methodological issues of nonlinear equilibrium systems - 2006-2010 
Contracting partner: OTKA (HSRF), K60480, supervisor: Dr. Rapcsák Tamás

Project: Decision modelling and evaluation of programme management and promotion materials in Open Public Procurement, in the frame of New Hungary Rural Development Programme - 2008
Contracting partner: for Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development

Project: Sales of environmental modelling softwares (APT - air, SWPT - surface water, GWPT - ground water)  - 2007
Contracting partner: GraphIT Kft.

Project: Searching the shortest path in road-networks, taking the weight- and size limitations into consideration - 2007 
(abstract in Hungarian)
Contracting partner: GraphIT Kft.

Project: Modelling of yearly operation of plants - 2007
(abstract in Hungarian)
Contracting partner: Prímagáz Hungária Inc.

Project: Comparative analysis of the alternatives of the Metro 4 lines, second section - 2006-2007
(We participated in the environmental impact assessment prepared under the direction of Mélyépterv Kultúrmérnöki Ltd. in co-operation with Keresztespók Environmental Consulting and Servicing Ltd.)
(abstract in Hungarian)
Contracting partner: MÉLYÉPTERV Kultúrmérnöki Inc.

Project: Software development for managing the client data of pedagogic guidance centers (based on the relational database created in a previous project in 2005) - 2006 
Contracting partner: In cooperation with Ferencvárosi Nevelési Tanácsadó (Educational guidance center of district IX of Budapest)

Project: Modern mathematical tools for decision support systems - 2003-2007 
Contracting partner: OTKA (HSRF), T043241, supervisor: Dr. Rapcsák Tamás

Project: Modelling of decisions in economics - 2003-2006
Contracting partner: OTKA (HSRF), T043241, supervisor: Dr. Temesi József

Project: Development of the new version of the Group Decision Support Software (WINGDSS 1.0) - 2004-continuous

Project: Development of the Vectorial Map and DataBase System of BUDAPEST for GIS use (BPVM 1.0) - 2004-continuous

Project: Design and creation of a relational database containing client data of pedagogic guidance centers - 2005 
Contracting partner: Educational guidance centers of districts IX and XVIII of Budapest

Project: Evaluation of minimum yearly operating costs of storage centers and filling plants regarding several scenarios - 2005 
Contracting partner: Prímagáz Hungária Inc.

Project: Development of the new version of the environmental modelling software for 

    transmission - 2004 

Project: Consultancy in Tender Evaluation - 2004 
Contracting partner: Hungarian Power System Operator Company

Project: Development of decision and environmental modelling tools based on GIS databases - 2003-2004 
Contracting partner: Ministry of Education, National Committee for Technological Development 

Project: Environmental management analysis and rating of the solid waste handling technology of FKF Rt. - 2003 
Contracting partner: Fővárosi Közterület-fenntartó Rt.

Project: Consultancy in Tender Evaluation - 2003
Contracting partner: Hungarian Power System Operator Company

Project: Modelling of decision problems in a WEB-neighbourhood - 2003
Contracting partner: Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Department of Sociology and Communication

Project: Production and Allocation Planning - 2003 
Contracting partner: Prímagáz Hungária Inc.

Project: Master Planning - 2002-2003
Contracting partner: Scala Business Solutions N.V.

Project: Consultancy in Tender Evaluation - 2002
Contracting partner: Hungarian Power System Operator Company

Project: Comparative analysis of the alternatives of the Metro 4 lines - 2002
(We participated in the environmental impact assessment prepared under the direction of Mélyépterv Kultúrmérnöki Ltd. in co-operation with Keresztespók Environmental Consulting and Servicing Ltd.)
Contracting partner: DBR Metro Project Directorate

Project: Production and Allocation Planning - 2002
Contracting partner: Prímagáz Hungária Inc.

Project: Environmental impact assessment for the revitalization of Lake Sasfészek at the village of Páty - 2001
Contracting partner: TERMINÁL Közép Európai Raktározási Rt.

Project: Ranking of Projects related to the Bank - 2001

Project: SIADCERO project - 2001

Project: Transmission  modelling of chemical pollutants emitted by Dunamenti Power Station - 2000

Project: Transmission modelling of pollutants to be emitted by the turbine-testing plant planned by General Electric Ltd at Veresegyház - 2000
Contracting partner: General Electric Hungary Rt.

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